9 Frustrating Yard Drainage Problems Solved By Chicago Artificial Turf

Tired of muddy yards and soggy home landscaping? Keep your outdoor space puddle-free with Chicago artificial turf. It drains moisture quicklyso much so that it can effortlessly solve these frustrating drainage problems permanently:

1. Standing Water

Standing water can form in a yard due to poor soil composition or inadequate grading. These factors can prevent water from being absorbed or draining properly, resulting in puddles and waterlogged areas.Artificial grass has a permeable backing that allows water to pass through quickly, preventing puddles.

2. Soil Erosion

This issue happens when strong winds, heavy rainfall, or irrigation displace the topsoil. Soil erosion is common on sloped or improperly graded landscapes. It exposes the roots of grass and other plants, leading to an unhealthy and uneven lawn.

Artificial grass installation involves creating a stable base layer, often made of crushed stone, which effectively prevents soil erosion. Plus, the turf remains in place, maintaining a level and even surface throughout its lifespan.

3. Compacted Soil

Foot traffic, heavy equipment, and even natural processes like wetting and drying cycles can cause soil compaction in a yard. The soil particles get pressed together, reducing the space between them and limiting water absorption. 

Since artificial turf in Houston doesn’t require mowing or heavy equipment, there’s less foot traffic and soil compaction. Additionally, the turf’s base layer aids in water drainage, allowing for efficient water management without relying on soil absorption.

4. Sloped Areas

These can cause drainage problems as water tends to run off quickly, carrying topsoil with it and causing erosion. This rapid runoff can also lead to insufficient water absorption, depriving plants of necessary moisture.

Artificial grass is ideal for slopes, as it can help control water runoff while reducing erosion. The stable base layer and turf system ensure that water drains properly and minimizes soil displacement.

5. Clay Soil

This type of soil has tiny, tightly packed particles that limit water absorption and drainage. When clay soil becomes saturated, it can hold onto water for extended periods, leading to drainage problems and waterlogged lawns.By replacing natural grass with artificial grass, clay soil drainage issues are eliminated. The synthetic turf’s permeable backing allows water to drain efficiently.

6. Thatch Buildup

Thatch is a layer of dead organic matter, such as grass clippings, leaves, and roots, that accumulates on the soil surface. Excessive thatch buildup can impede water absorption, leading to poor drainage and shallow root systems.

With RealTurf artificial turf, there’s no organic matter to create thatch. This eliminates the risk of thatch buildup impeding water absorption and drainage.

7. Uneven Ground

When the ground isn’t consistently flat, its soil is more likely to erode. The low spots can also collect water, creating pooling and waterlogged areas that are difficult for plants to thrive in.

During artificial grass installation, the surface is carefully leveled and graded. This process creates an even ground, enabling proper water drainage and preventing pooling or waterlogged areas.

8. Overwatering

When you overwater a lawn, the excess water can saturate the soil, causing drainage problems and increasing the risk of root rot, disease, and other turf issues.Artificial grass doesn’t require regular watering, effectively eliminating this issue. 

9. Pest Infestations

Standing water and moist yard conditions create an ideal breeding ground for insects like mosquitoes and grubs. These pests can cause further damage to your lawn, worsening existing drainage problems and potentially leading to other issues such as plant diseases and poor plant growth.

Chicago artificial turf helps deter pest infestations by maintaining a dry and well-draining surface. Without waterlogged conditions, moisture-loving pests like mosquitoes and grubs would be less likely to hang out in your yard.

Say Goodbye to Soggy Landscaping!

It doesn’t matter which drainage problem plagues your yard. Synthetic turf can solve it for good as soon as you install it.

For drainage-boosting artificial grass products and fast installation, contact Real Turf USA. Send us a message online or call us at 773-517-7798 for a quote on your project!