You Never Have to Use These Toxins with Chicago Artificial Turf for Putting Greens

It’s not easy to grow and maintain a golf course without using any chemicals. Without them, you’ll have a hard time keeping the turf playable and free of bugs, weeds and diseases. Don’t have the time to determine which lawn chemicals to use for your course? Install Chicago artificial turf for putting greens instead.

Artificial grass doesn’t need toxic chemicals to stay lush, green and problem-free. That means you won’t have to apply the following chemicals to your putting green:


If you don’t keep weeds under control, they can take over your course and make it unplayable. So you must take measures to keep them out of your putting green.

Most weeds take up space meant for turf, such as:

  • Dandelions
  • Clover
  • Crabgrass
  • Goosegrass
  • Ground Ivy

Weeds can make it hard to see where the ball is going. It can also slow down ball roll because it provides unnecessary friction.

You can pull weeds out, which can take a lot of time, or you can use weedicides to kill them. Unfortunately, using weedicides can be bad for the environment because they can contaminate water sources and harm other plants. They can also make people and pets sick if they come into contact with them.

Chicago artificial turf for putting greens doesn’t need weedicides at all. After all, it comes with a tightly woven fiber backing that weeds can’t penetrate through, so it stays weed-free!


Various Insects can ruin a natural putting green, such as:

  • White Grubs
  • Chinch Bugs
  • Sod Webworms
  • Cutworms
  • Chafer Bugs

You can use insecticides to kill and keep them away. However, these chemicals are bad for the environment. Some of them contain carbon, which contributes to global warming. They’re also toxic enough to make people sick if they inhale or come in contact with it.

Artificial turf in Houston for putting greens doesn’t need pesticides to keep bugs away. Insects avoid synthetic turf because it doesn’t have any leaves and roots for them to eat. Most of them also don’t like the way it feels.


Fungal diseases are devastating for natural putting greens. The most common diseases to plague courses include:

  • Fairy Ring
  • Brown Patch
  • Dollar Spot
  • Leaf Spot
  • Necrotic Ring Spot
  • Crown Rot
  • Gray Snow Mold
  • Pythium Blight

Some of them leave circles of brown turf in their wake, while others produce overwhelming spores. Most of them kill golf turf after some time and they’re all tough to treat.

You can use fungicides to treat the diseases, but it can be an uphill battle, depending on the infection. It might be better to get rid of the infected turf and replace it with new turf or plant new grass.

Unfortunately, fungicides can also cause problems for the environment. They’re bad for wildlife and they leach into groundwater and streams.

If you have an artificial putting green, though, you don’t need to worry about these types of issues. Turf diseases can’t infect a synthetic putting green. After all, it doesn’t have any organic matter for the fungi to latch on.

Enjoy Safer Tee Times With RealTurf Artificial Grass Installation

When you’re ready to take your game to the next level, our team is here to help.

Here at RealTurf USA, we have premium artificial grass for golf that will let you enjoy the same play quality as exclusive courses. We can also help you design and set up your dream putting green. With our team on the job, you can expect a fast and hassle-free installation.

If you have questions or want to set an appointment with our team, contact us online or call us at 773-517-7798 today!