Artificial Turf in Houston for Child-Friendly Landscaping Benefits + Design Ideas

Watching kids run around and play outside is one of the great joys of being a parent. The only problem is that your yard is both a fascinating and dangerous place for them. Your children can stumble upon things that can harm them, like sharp rocks and thorny plants. That doesn’t mean that you can give up on having beautiful landscaping. With artificial turf in Houston, you can design a gorgeous yet child-friendly yard.

Is Artificial Grass Child-Friendly?

Yes, synthetic grass is safe for your kids. In fact, it can make outdoor play times better and more fun in ways that natural grass can’t match.

First of all, artificial grass is soft and comfortable to the touch. And unlike natural grass, it doesn’t have any sharp seeds or prickly blades that could hurt your little ones. It’s also padded with layers of cushioning, which help reduce the risk of injuries in case your kids take a tumble on them.

Synthetic grass is also incredibly durable. It has dense, tightly woven fibers that can withstand friction and impact. That means it won’t get damaged even if kids play, run, jump and lie on it all day.

Moreover, with artificial turf in Houston, there’s no need to worry about your kids tracking dirt and mud into the house. This is because it’s dirt-free, so there’s no soil to cling to your little ones. It also comes with a weed barrier that’ll help keep plants that can harm your kids out of your yard.

Finally, artificial grass doesn’t produce pollen that can trigger reactions in kids with allergies. It also doesn’t need toxic chemicals like pesticides and weedicides to stay healthy. So there’s no risk of your children coming into contact with these toxic chemicals either.

Child-Friendly Landscaping Ideas With Artificial Grass

With synthetic turf, the sky is the limit when it comes to designing fun yard amenities for your kids. Get inspired with these fun ideas:

Set Up a Playground

A playground not only gives kids a place to run and play, but it can also help them improve their motor skills. A well-designed playground can also be great for adults—it’s a perfect place to relax while you watch your kids burn off some energy

Use artificial grass to give your playground a soft, impact-absorbing surface. Then, set up your play structures, like slides, swings, monkey bars and seesaws. You can also go all out with a jungle gym.

Create a Sensory Garden

If you have older kids who need more stimulation than just running around outside, try creating a sensory garden. This amenity will stimulate all five senses at once. It’ll also help develop their motor skills.

Encourage your kids to walk barefoot in your sensory garden with lush Chicago artificial turf. Then, scatter plants with interesting textures or smells like lavender throughout the area. Let your children play around with them while exploring the different sensations they provide.

Make Hopscotch Pavers

Hopscotch is a classic kids’ game, but it can be hard to find a place to play it if your yard is all bare soil and grass. Fortunately, you can solve that issue by getting creative with your turf installation.

Create hopscotch pavers from painted pavers and set them up in your yard. Surround them with artificial grass to give your kids a soft landing surface in case they fall while skipping.

Make Your Yard Safe for Your Kids With RealTurf Artificial Turf

If you’re a parent looking to landscape your home, we know that it can feel like a daunting task. But don’t worry! We’ve got everything you need to get started here at RealTurf USA.

From kid-friendly artificial grass products to landscaping solutions, our experts are here to help. We’re ready to help you design a space that’s beautiful and safe for everyone in your family.

Just send us a message online or give us a call at 773-517-7798. We can’t wait to hear from you!