Hate Ticks and Fleas? Here’s How Houston Artificial Turf Deters Them

Flea and tick infestations are dreaded by all pet owners. The pesky parasites, once established, can cause havoc, causing discomfort and potential disease for your dogs. The great news is that there’s a hassle-free way to keep them out of your yard. Just cover the area with Houston artificial turf. Read on to learn how it combats these troublesome pests.

How Do Ticks and Fleas Harm Dogs?

Ticks and fleas are not just a source of irritation for dogs; they are also carriers of diseases, some of which can be life-threatening.

Fleas, the smaller of the two parasites, can cause an array of problems in dogs, starting with Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD). This is an allergic reaction to flea saliva, resulting in intense itching and skin inflammation. Left untreated, it can lead to hair loss, skin infections, and overall distress.

Even more serious, fleas can transmit tapeworms. When a dog ingests a flea while grooming, the tapeworm larvae inside the flea can develop into adult worms in the dog’s gut, causing malnutrition and weight loss.

Ticks pose even graver threats. They are notorious for transmitting diseases like Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, which can cause severe joint pain, lethargy, loss of appetite, and even neurological problems in dogs.

Why Do Ticks and Fleas Like Natural Lawns?

Natural lawns provide the perfect environment for ticks and fleas to thrive. They offer three critical elements for these parasites: 

  • Warmth
  • Humidity
  • Hosts (your pets) to Feed On

Natural grass retains moisture and provides shade, creating a humid microclimate that fleas and ticks love. The tall blades of grass also offer a convenient launchpad for ticks to latch onto passing hosts. 

Plus, the organic matter found in natural yards, such as leaf litter, provides excellent nesting materials for these parasites to lay their eggs.

How Does Artificial Grass Deter Ticks and Fleas from Yards? 

RealTurf USA artificial grass has properties that make it inherently unattractive to ticks and fleas.

Artificial Turf has No Organic Matter

Unlike natural grass, artificial turf doesn’t provide organic matter where fleas and ticks can lay eggs. This significantly reduces their ability to reproduce and establish populations in your yard.

Lack of Shelter

Artificial grass doesn’t retain moisture like natural grass, nor does it provide the same degree of shade. This absence of a warm, humid habitat makes your yard inhospitable for these parasites.

Artificial Turf has No Tall Grass

With artificial grass, there’s no tall grass for ticks to climb on in order to latch onto a passing host. The uniform, low height of the turf provides fewer opportunities for ticks to make contact with your pets.

Ease of Maintenance

Houston artificial turf is easy to clean and maintain. Regularly washing your artificial grass with a hose can dislodge and eliminate any parasites that somehow find their way onto the turf.

Other Harmful Bugs That Don’t Like Artificial Grass

Here are other common yard bugs that can harm dogs and how artificial grass helps deter them:

  • Mosquitoes: They are infamous for transmitting heartworm larvae to dogs, which can lead to heart disease. Artificial turf doesn’t collect standing water, eliminating mosquito breeding sites.
  • Ants: Some species of ants, like fire ants, can bite and sting dogs, causing discomfort and potential allergic reactions. A RealTurf artificial grass installation doesn’t offer the soil conditions ants need to build their colonies.
  • Spiders: Some spiders, such as black widows and brown recluses, are venomous and can harm dogs if they bite. Artificial turf offers fewer hiding spots compared to natural grass, making your yard less attractive to spiders.
  • Flies and Gnats: These pests can annoy dogs and sometimes even lead to fly bite dermatitis, particularly around the ears and nose. With artificial grass, there’s no organic waste, which is often a significant attractant for flies and gnats.
  • Beetles and Grubs: Some beetles can bite, and their grubs can harm dogs if ingested. Artificial grass doesn’t provide the vegetation and soil conditions necessary for these insects to thrive.

Keep Your Dogs Safe With Synthetic Grass

The fight against fleas and ticks doesn’t have to be an uphill battle. By covering your yard with pet-friendly artificial grass, you can significantly reduce the risk of your pets getting infested by these troublesome parasites.

At Real Turf USA, we are committed to providing the best artificial grass solutions that not only look great but also contribute positively to the health of your pets. 

We can also customize the installation to create a haven for your pets. Whether you have one spoiled furry friend or several dogs, our team can come up with a design that suits your needs. These dog-friendly ideas will give you an idea of what we can do for you. 

Call us now at 773-517-7798 or send us a message online for a free consultation!