When It Pours, We Perform: The Homeowner’s Guide to Artificial Grass Drainage


Living in an area with frequent rainfall can make you wonder: How well does artificial grass handle all that water? At RealTurf USA, we’ve installed countless artificial lawns in rainy climates and we’re here to put your mind at ease. Let’s dive into the world of artificial grass drainage and show you why a little (or a lot of) rain won’t dampen your spirits.

Why Worry About Drainage?

First, let’s talk about why it matters.

  • Puddles Aren’t Just Unsightly: They can become breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
  • Prevent Mold and Mildew: Poor drainage can lead to mold and mildew growth, affecting the longevity of your turf.
  • Safety Concerns: Standing water can create slippery surfaces, posing safety risks.
  • Eliminate Odors: Inadequate drainage might cause unpleasant odors, especially if you have pets.

Now that we’ve established the importance of good drainage, let’s explore how artificial grass rises to the challenge.

How Artificial Grass Drainage Works

Our artificial grass isn’t just a pretty face – it’s engineered with drainage in mind from the ground up.

1. Perforated Backing

The secret weapon in our drainage arsenal is the perforated backing on our artificial grass. This isn’t your typical solid surface; it’s full of tiny holes that allow water to pass through easily. Think of it as thousands of little drains working together to keep your lawn dry.

2. Base Layer Engineering

When we install artificial grass, we don’t just roll it out and call it a day. We create a carefully designed base layer that promotes drainage.

  • Compacted Aggregate Layer: We start with a layer of compacted aggregate, which provides a stable foundation and allows water to flow freely.
  • Finer Material Layer: On top of this, we add a layer of finer material, like decomposed granite, which further aids in water dispersion.
  • Multi-Layer Approach: This ensures that water doesn’t just pass through the grass – it has somewhere to go once it does.

3. Slope and Grading

During installation, we pay close attention to the natural slope of your yard. We’ll often create a slight grade if one doesn’t already exist to encourage water to flow away from buildings and towards appropriate drainage areas.

4. Additional Drainage Solutions

For areas prone to heavy rainfall or with existing drainage issues, we can incorporate additional drainage solutions.

  • French Drains: These can be installed beneath the turf to channel water away from problem areas.
  • Catch Basins: Strategically placed catch basins collect excess water and direct it to storm drains or other appropriate outlets.

But What About Really Heavy Rain?

We hear you – what happens when the skies really open up? Rest assured, our artificial grass is built to handle it.

  • Superior Drainage Rate: The drainage rate of our artificial grass far exceeds that of natural grass. While natural grass might drain at a rate of 5-20 inches per hour, our artificial turf can handle up to 30 inches per hour or more.
  • Effective During Downpours: This means that even in a downpour, water passes through the turf almost as quickly as it falls, preventing puddles from forming on the surface.

Maintenance: Keeping the Flow Going

While our artificial grass is designed for excellent drainage, a little maintenance goes a long way.

  • Regular Brushing: Helps prevent compaction of the infill, ensuring water can continue to flow freely.
  • Quick Rinses: If you notice any areas where drainage seems slower, a quick rinse with a hose can help clear any debris that might be blocking the perforations.

Learn More About Rain-Ready Artificial Grass

Imagine stepping out onto your lawn after a heavy rain and finding it dry, pristine, and ready for action. With our expertly installed artificial grass, this isn’t just a pipe dream – it’s your new reality.

We’d love to help you explore how artificial grass can transform your rainy-day blues into green-lawn bliss. Give us a call at 773-517-7798 or send us a message through our contact form. 

Let’s create a beautiful, all-weather lawn that stays perfect, come rain or shine. Looking forward to our chat!